Sunday, January 18, 2009

the first woman

the first woman in the torah, in the hebrew, is named havah, not eve.
as my cousin translated over tea & cake last night, the genesis story tells that god created a 4 legged 4 armed 2 headed creature, attatched at the ribs.  it was capable of reproducing by itself.  man & woman were separated so that we could see the divinity in one another's faces, because we were created in god's image.  

there is also a greek myth that is simular & tells of humans originally being 4 legged 4 armed 2 headed...& that zeus was angry at us for some reason or other & split us apart.  love making is just us all trying frantically to get back together again.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Simcha,
    I just came across your blog, and wanted you to know how moved I was by your account of your trip to Israel. I have a 21 year old daughter that is presently disinterested in attending Birthright - because of her fear of being in the country, and her abhorrance of spoiled, American, camp-like Jewish teenagers. (she thinks that will be all she encounters on the Birthright experience, unfortunately)

    I sent her a link to your blog, and am praying she reads it and identifies with the indie-like young woman you seem to be - someone not afraid to take her own path, explore herself and her faith in her own way, and not conform to styles and interests, simply because they are the way of the masses.

    I praise you for your individuality, your open mindedness, courage, and conviction to honor your faith throughout a difficult political time in our country.

    Have an amazing time, and give HER my love. I drove through that desert by myself. I stopped to photograph the Bedouiin women with their camels. I stayed in Beersheva, hiked Makhtesh Ramon and Ein Avdat, and prayed to God where my ancestors walked before me. How can one not fall in love with HER?

    I am homesick as I write this, so please enjoy every moment, and have a lafah shawarma for me!!! Thanks!
    Cantor Debbi Ballard
